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10+ Most Popular Programming Languages ​​in 2021

A programming language is a language or command used by developers to create and run software programs on computers.

Thanks to the various programming languages, now everyone can become a reliable developer.

But what exactly is a programming language and what languages ​​should developers and programmers know?

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about programming languages ​​as well as some of the most popular programming languages ​​that developers must master.

Let's just take a look at the review!

What is a Programming Language?

As we know, language is a means or system of communication and interaction between humans that has been used for thousands of years.

Each language has its own word order that represents an object, trait, action, and so on.

So are programming languages. Programming language is a communication tool language used to interact with a computer device.

With it, users can give instructions to computer software to carry out a command or command that is requested.

At first, computers only understood binary code —which was a combination of the numbers 0 and 1.

But for humans, the system is too difficult to understand and write. As a result, the process of making a program becomes very difficult.

Well here, programming languages ​​offer a solution by translating complex binary code into something that is easily understood and written by humans, and can be understood by computers.

Basically, programming languages ​​contain simple and easy to remember collections of code, symbols, or keywords.

Now, some programming languages ​​even offer code and commands that resemble English.

So everyone will not be difficult to learn and use it to develop the desired software/application!

Some of the Most Popular Programming Languages

Currently, there are many choices of programming languages ​​that you can learn to become a developer as well as a programmer.

Each programming language choice can help you do many different things depending on what you want to do.

Starting from creating applications/software for various devices, designing attractive website displays, to creating video games with high graphics.

So, here are some of the most popular programming languages ​​for you to choose from!

1. Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​among beginners because it offers a clear and intuitive syntax.

In general, Python is used for website development and software/applications for all types of devices.

For example, well-known sites such as Mozilla, Instagram, Spotify, to The Washington Times develop their websites using Django —a web application framework that provides many Python-based modules.

The good news, this programming language can be run on various operating systems; be it Windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, or other platforms.

In addition, python is also an open-source programming language that can be used for free, and is supported by the best community of developers.

2. Java

Java is one of the most common programming languages, and is widely used in the development of a wide variety of applications—from online games, chat applications, banking, to big data.

Not only that, Java is also widely used to develop websites from the back-end side. Well-known sites such as Google, YouTube, and Twitter are some examples of popular websites that use this programming language.

Interestingly, Java offers Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) capabilities . This means that Java code developed on one system can be run on another without requiring any adjustments.

In addition, this programming language also has a code that is simple and not so complex, so it can be easily understood by even beginners.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used in website development, both from the front-end and back-end sides.

For example, you can use JavaScript to add certain animations or effects to web pages and make them more interactive.

In fact, there are many popular brands that use JavaScript to create dynamic website content—among them Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Wikipedia, Google, and many other big names.

No less important, JavaScript is also compatible with various types of browsers and can be loaded in a short time.

Meanwhile, from the back-end side, this programming language can be run through Node.js, so it supports many operating systems including Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

4. Swift

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple in 2014. Interestingly, Swift not only supports various Apple devices, but can also run on Linux and Windows platforms.

In addition, Swift has simple code with short lines, so you will have no trouble reading, understanding, and learning it.

Uniquely, Swift also allows you to create classes and structures in one file. Therefore, you can manage files easily and can reduce the risk of mismatched code in various files.

5. C++

C++ is a popular programming language used to develop operating systems, browsers, games, database software, and various other applications/software.

On Windows devices, for example, both the operating system and built-in applications (such as Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer) use C++.

Like Java, C++ also allows you to run programs on any system. For example, you develop a C++ based application on Linux.

Well if one day you have to switch to Windows or another operating system, the application will be able to adapt and keep running without a hitch.

6. C#

C# is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft as part of the .Net initiative.

With this programming language, you can create .Net applications that can be used on various operating system platforms.

For example, you can use Unity —a C#-based game engine—to create games that can be accessed from any device, technology, or operating system platform.

In addition, C# is also widely used in website development. For example, you can use ASP.NET (which is also C# based) to build dynamic web pages with an interactive user interface.

7. Go

Go , also known as Golang, is an open source programming language designed by Google.

Golang offers a clean and simple syntax, making it easy to learn even for beginners.

Not to mention, Go is also supported with complete documentation and blogs to help you understand this programming language in no time.

Interestingly, many well-known brands (such as Netflix, Dropbox, YouTube, and SoundCloud) choose Golang to overcome the high number of users accessing their websites or applications.

That said, Go is one of the ideal programming languages ​​for developing e-commerce websites and high-performance apps that have abundant traffic.

8. PHP

PHP or also known as Hypertext Preprocessor is an open-source programming language commonly used in programming and website development.

This language script is actually almost similar to JavaScript and Python. The main difference is that PHP is used more often to communicate with the server side.

PHP was first developed by Rasmus Lerdrof in 1994. Since then, this language has become one of the most popular programming languages ​​among web developers.

Many well-known websites and CMS use PHP as one of their development languages. Like Facebook, WordPress, and Digg, for example.

One of the functions of PHP in web development is to create dynamic and interactive website displays that are more sophisticated than Java.

PHP is a language and script that is good for creating static and dynamic websites, as well as web applications.

9. Scala

Created by Martin Odersky in 2001, Scala is a programming language that is often used to build web applications, desktops, as well as backend web development.

Currently, the Scala programming language is growing along with the formation of cluster-based data computing applications such as Apache Spark.

Even well-known companies like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Netflix also use Scala as one of the scripts in their applications, Golden friend!

In addition, Scala can also be used to build website platforms such as Akka and Play Framework, although it is not as popular as other programming languages.

10. Ruby

Ruby is a programming language that is flexible and easy to use. This language is widely used by startup companies and startups.

With a syntax that resembles English, Ruby is very easy to understand — even for those of you who don't understand programming languages.

Ruby also allows users to condense multiple lines of code into a single line, making your program code look cleaner and more concise.

Well-known platforms such as Google, Github, and Scribd also use Ruby as one of the scripts in their programs and applications.

In addition, Ruby can also be used for other things, such as creating simulations and 3D modeling, managing and tracking information, to building web apps.

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